Travel by Bus or Rail

Give the car a day off and visit the Heights by bus or rail. If you travel by bus or train to Matlock Bath, you can purchase cable car tickets with a 20% discount. You'll need to show your travel ticket on arrival, and book your cable car flight in advance.

You can purchase special 20% off cable car tickets when you travel to the Heights by bus or rail. We have a bus stop and a train station right next to the cable car station. 

  • The train is a direct train from Derby and running along the Derwent Valley Line. There is a direct riverside walking route from the train station to the cable car station which takes just a few minutes. 
  • If you're getting the bus, simply ask to stop at the Heights of Abraham and the bus will drop you off just a short walk from the cable cars. Bus services include the Trentbarton Sixes, Stagecoach, and Transpeak Buses.